A ‘Prince and the Showgirl’ Fact File

 A look at the facts behind the making of The Prince and the Showgirl (as opposed to Colin Clark’s ‘fairy tale’ version), from Gary Susman at Moviefone.

“‘The Prince and the Showgirl’ was to be the first movie made by Marilyn Monroe Productions, the independent company she had formed with photographer-turned-paramour-turned-platonic-business-partner Milton Greene. The company had acquired the rights to Terence Rattigan’s London stage hit ‘The Sleeping Prince’ as a vehicle for Monroe to prove her serious thespian bona fides, although it didn’t stray too far from her roots in light romantic comedy. She’d made the deal with Rattigan herself, meeting him for drinks in a downtown New York bar before his trip to Hollywood, where he’d receive a nibble but no firm offers.”


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