The Perils of Photoshop

Marilyn by Ed Clark, 1950

False Images = Faulty Facts‘, an article posted by John Greco on his excellent Twenty-Four Frames blog today, takes a look at the problem of Photoshopped images. This photo of Marilyn alone, taken by Ed Clark at Griffith Park in 1950, was interpolated into a Richard C. Miller picture of James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor relaxing during filming of Giant in 1955.

While it may seem like harmless fun, these images are too often taken as genuine, and are circulated around the internet – thus rewriting a small slice of history. With so many misunderstandings about Marilyn already in existence, these pictures are witlessly damaging her legacy.

One Reply to “The Perils of Photoshop”

  1. original source:

    This was created while an art student in 2011. It was originally posted on an artist critique website and quickly went viral on social media with no personal intent on my part to fool anyone. As an artist my attempt was to invite the viewer to create their own interpretation by exploring the juxtaposition between subjects. Exploring ways to portray old Hollywood glamour with a new attitude is the result of my creative experimentation.

    A fictional portrayal of celebrities allow things to manifest themselves. So much so that to most, these images appear to be real. I welcome the challenge to reimagine within the framework of ‘what if’s’ and ‘wishful thinking’ for the purpose of discovering that what is real isn’t the same as getting it right. We know just enough to know that we want to know more; there is something here, we just don’t know what. To be brilliant is to be misunderstood and much like curiosity, it is a motivational force. My personal website represents my emotional reaction to this principle.

    Hope this sufficiently explains any questions or concerns regarding subject matter.

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